Story Mode
Story Mode Explained
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Story Mode Explained
Last updated
An interactive on-chain adventure mode guided by YOUR unique decisions. The ultimate storytelling experience combining real world events with a splash of Moonieverse lore, aiming to help explain current events in an educational and engaging way.
Moonie Friends will take you on exciting adventures touching on the exciting stories from the cryptocurrency market. Each Moonie Friend is a personification of a different cryptocurrency - as such they all have their own unique story to tell. Bitty claims that he knows the identity of the real Satoshi Nakamoto, just saying…
Inspired by our quest model as seen in MoonieNFTs "NFT Staking" we're taking storytelling to a whole new level. More choices, unique Adventures, and more.
B2B2C: As we aim to bring together communities from all across the crypto-space we will also be offering custom story mode experiences for other NFT Collections, introducing additional utility for both Moonie Friends and our Partners.
New standard for engaging audiovisual lore storytelling ;
Use special NFT items to decrease the rest period and increase chances of winning
Use Moonie Friends to immerse and educate about the lore representing history of various cryptocurrencies;
B2B2C model allowing others to make their story heard.